Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ad I Really, Really Like--A Lot!

I was first drawn to this ad because of the beautiful design. When I looked at it more closely, I realized that I couldn't read it. I thought that it wasn't much good as an ad if the viewer couldn't figure out what it was communicating. Then I read about the ad and realized how very creative it is.

This is a help-wanted ad. It's far from the typical (and boring) help-wanteds that you usually see. This agency was looking for an expert typographer. This ad uses a contemporary color palette and a graphic style that references the Bauhaus school. The text is set in all dingbats. They did a series of these ads using Webdings, Wingdings and Zapf Dingbats. Only a real typography geek would be able to read the ads, which include all the info a person would need to apply for the job. This company is obsessed (their word) with typography. They wanted to hire a typographer who is, too. So this ad communitcates perfectly well to the target audience. I think it is top drawer (to coin a phrase from the Bauhaus era).

1 comment:

donnamaenot said...

I think your ad works however due to the large spacing around it, it is hard to read what your ad says.